Thursday, September 23, 2010

Someone must have played a trick on me!

I just don´t know how my shopping bag could be so full of fabrics after a trip to Potsdam...

Such lovely fabrics *-*

Velcro, cotton tape, Ottobre.

These are from Maybachufer.

They will become shirts, longshirts, vests, dresses, leggins, a nightdress and pajamas, 2 of them are going to be my autumn jacket which I´m preparing atm.

I need to sew soon since there´s no place to store them all ;)


It´s only 3 months until Christmas and I´m already on the preperation-train. I can´t help it^^ But there´s a lot to do, so I may not get in a hurry 2 hours before Christmas Eve XD


Can you believe that one year of OT training is already over?! Just two more to go :)


Katastrophen.Barbie said...

Huch? Waren das doch SO viele??? Wow... aber schön sind sie alle!

Ricarda said...

They look lovly. I'm jealous. Keep us updated on the progress!! :)